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tips from a judge

Do you know what the judges are looking for?  Here, an experienced pageant judge who talks to pageant website "Blessed Beyond Crazy," shares her advice on how to stand out from the crown and sparkle your way to victory!


  1. Know the System – Before entering any pageant a contestant should know the ‘system’ – which simply means that she knows what is appropriate attire, shoes, makeup, etc… I always advise girls to ask advice from “Sister Queens” and be willing to learn from others who have been there. Be aware of others and look for ways to self-improve along the way.

  2. Confidence – It doesn’t matter what you are wearing, or how great you look, if you do not have this quality it will show in every area of the competition. I do not want a girl to be ‘arrogant’ or ‘showy’ but I definitely want her to be relaxed and comfortable in her own skin.

  3. Personality – As a judge I want to get to know each individual contestant. When we conduct the interviews, the judges do not want what we call, “Patty Pageant Answers.” We want each contestant’s personality to shine; from their interview questions, to their wardrobe selections, to their hair styles, to their talent choices, etc… Let your individuality sparkle and come to life before our eyes! Be real and down-to-earth; plus it’s always good to make the judges laugh a little.

  4. Consistency – As a judge I look for consistency throughout the competition. If a contestant is comfortable and relaxed during her interview, but is obviously uncomfortable walking across the stage in high heels and a swimsuit, then the scoring on her consistency drops. The most beautiful girl doesn’t always win because she may be the most inconsistent throughout the pageant.

  5. Interviews – Since the interview is one of the most weighted portions of the pageant we start with that. A judge asks each contestant questions and she must answer in an allotted amount of time. (Think of it as a press conference). The questions can range from a simple question to current world events. In order to score well, a contestant should have a quick, concise, and complete thought; all without taking too much time. I also want a contestant to know all about her ‘platform’ and be able to talk about it comfortably. The interview questions generally become much harder and more diverse when you go from a local pageant to a state pageant to the national level. The higher you go, the more diverse the judges and questions will be.

  6. Talent – The talent portion also is a large part of the pageant score card. As a judge I look for how well they performed their talent. Did they make any mistakes? How was their attire/appearance? How entertaining was it? How was the overall experience? Would I want to see it again?

  7. Swimsuit – For this portion I do not look for the most muscular contestant, but someone who portrays overall health and wellness. Does she take care of herself? Does she workout? Does she appear healthy? Does she smile and look like she is comfortable and enjoying life? As a judge I also want the contestant to be tastefully covered, well groomed and tucked in in all the right places. Judges do not like seeing tan lines so use quality self-tanning products /spray tans.

  8. Evening Gown – A contestant doesn’t have to spend a fortune on an expensive dress. Rather, it should reflect her personality. The color and style should look good on her; emphasizing her good qualities. If a contestant reaches the state and/or national level there are sponsors that will help with the cost of a more expensive dress. For the local levels check out on-line consignment professional dress shops for bargains or wear a nice prom dress.


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