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Mrs World 2009

Vung Tau, VIetnam, November 2009.
Mrs World 2009 Crowning


Click on the video to watch Mrs Russia be crowned Mrs World 2009!


Our beautiful UK candidates spent a month in Vietnam at the 5 star IMperial Hotel, and had a great time!

Photo Album

Our 4 beautiful UK representatives in 2009 were:


Mrs England: Hannah McCuaig (Batten)

Mrs Ireland: Melissa Dill-Behnke

Mrs Scotland: Krupa Parmar Rao

Mrs Wales: Gemma Fox


All 4 girls were chosen to represent the UK as they were married, confident, beautiful and keen to travel the world.

The girls spent over a month in Vietnam meeting local dignitaries, touring South Vietnam, attending dinner parties, and rehearsing for the world final of Mrs World 2009.


Well done girls!  Read below for their reviews of the trip...


Hear what the girls themselves had to say about the trip. They worked hard, but had a fantastic time! .....

"I have had the time of my life in Vietnam.  THankyo DAvid and ELaine for such a wonderful experience.  I have met so many wonderful people, and have seen first hand how hard you work to put on a great show.  I have made friends for life and will remember this forever!"

Hannah McCuaig (Batten), Mrs England

"Thankyou Hannah for organising a wonderful trip.  I am honoured to have been on the Mrs World stage representing Ireland.  It's been a blast!  Love you Leprechauns! xxx"

Melissa Dill-Behnke, Mrs Ireland

"I'cve had a great time Hannah thank you so much for everything.  My feet hurt but it's been well worth it.  Lets' just avoid the bird heads next time? haha!"

Krupa PArmar-Rao, Mrs Scotland

For the chance to attend Mrs World, enter Mrs UK World and click here.
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