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catwalk in swimwear

Pageant trainer, director and ex - beauty queen, Hannah Batten shares her top tips on how to work the runway in your swimwear, with style...​


The first thing I always tell the girls I train is to not worry about how you look on the outside (although that is importat and we will come to it later), but to focus on how you feel on the INSIDE.  True condifence will only shine through if you are 100% comfortable in your own skin.  Do you have any body hang-ups?  Are you worried about a particular problem area?  Has someone said something to you to doubt your ability to walk with confidence?  If any of the above is true, then you need to challenge those fears/misconceptions head on, and lear to feel comofortable as you are before you even think about buying your swimwear.  Inner confidence takes time, and you deserve to give yourself that time, that love and that positive energy, so when you compete you can be 100% comfortable.  Be positive.  Be confident.  Be you.


Once you have taken the time to work on your mental attitude, you can start looking outward.  Pageants are a fantastic way to show off all your hard work in the gym and to showcase the results of your healthy lifestyle. With this in mind, plan to dedicate at least 12 weeks to honing your physique ahead of your next competition.


Next, chose your bikini carefully.  Think about your body shape and start from the top:  What neck lines suit you, halter neck or shoulder straps?  What bikini bottoms or swimsuit style elongate your legs and accentuate your hips?  Think about what you wear in everyday life and apply that to your choice of bikini/swimwear.  For

example, I prefer halter neck tops to shoulder strap tops because it gives me a better clevage, so if I apply that to my choice of swimwear, I know my bust will look great.  Similarly, I never go for high-waisted jeans, as they seems to cut my torso in half and make me look larger, so when i chose bikini bottoms, I go for low slung bottoms which don't cut across my tummy.  Depending on your figure and size, many options and styles are available.


In terms of your walk, I always recommend leading from the hips.  This will naturally make you lean back and will make you look taller.  Stand up tall and tense your tummy muscles.  Let your arms move naturally when you walk (no straight arms or tense wrists!) and walk the line.


Finally, watch Miss Universe and Victoria's Secret Fashion Show videos.  Look at how the girls move and how they hold themselves.  The camera will usually pan up from legs to upper torso, then the face, which will give you a good idea of what to copy.  Look at how the girls move their hips and flirt with the audience/camera.  Watch ho and when they smile



Hannah xxx
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