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body & fitness

UK Beauties give you our top tips on how to look after your body and stay fit and healthy.

In a society full of instant gratification,fast food and stress, having a great body takes hard work, dedication, and a commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  If you can master the courage to eat right, exercise and look after yourself, achieving perfect pins and a toned stomach is within your greasp...


  1. Set your goals: Use your pageant as a target to get yourself in shape. You wouldn't enter a marathon withut training would you, so why should a pageant be any different?  If you want to finish, or to even win, then you need to set your fitness goals and plan accordingly.  If you know you have a pageant in 6 month's time, then start training now - get in shape in plenty of time, and use the remaining few weeks to maintain a healthy weight.

  2. Don't shock your system: There is a big difference between going on a crash diet and making healthy lifestyle changes: If you have a pageant in less than 3 months time, you need to realistic about how much weight you are realistically going to lose.  12 weeks is the starting point to see any significant changes in your body, without creash dieting.  Don't restrict your food intake suddenyl, make long term nutritional changes.

4.  Eat to lose weight: Please, don't restrict your food intake.  To fire up your metabolism, you need to eat little and often.  Stopping eating will
     have the opposite effect - your metablism will slow down and your body will hang onto every last ounce of fat in can because it will think
     you are starving.  To lose weight you need to starve not your whole body, but starve only the fat cells in your body by cutting out sugary
     and fatty foods, and at the same time provide your muscles with the nutrients and resources they need to become the fat burning machines
     they're made to be.We only have one lfe, and one body, so take good care of yours and eat well!


5.  Exercise regularly: To lose wiehgt, you need to burn calories.  UK Beauties recommends no other than the INSANITY Workout DVD by
     Shaun T who will transform your body in 12 weeks.  Having tried it ourselves in the UK Beautes office, we know the programme works!
     The programme works on the basis of high insentity interval training, giving you short periods of rest inbetween long periods of exertion.  A       heart rate monitor is recommended, and please check with your Doctor before starting this programme.


6.  Weight training: Contrary to popular belief, lifting wieghts will not make you bulky.  The method which you use to life weights determines if you bulk up or lean down: if you do a small amount of heavy weights, you will bulk up.  If you do lots of repetitions of lighter weights, you will produce long, lean, muscles that will look great in your bikini!

If you would like to kick - start your weight-loss and reboot your body and mind, then UK Beauties recommends signing up to "Body & MInd Reboot."


The courses vary from one day, to week long camps, and you can expect training on nutrition, improving your mindset, meals and refreshemnts, and for the longer camps you will enjoy massages, evening activities and beauty treatments.  This really is worth a look!


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