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hair care

UKB share our valuable tips on making your hair your crowning glory!

With a little bit of preparation, some TLC and a small investment, you can turn your dry, damaged locks into beautiful, healthy hair.


Limit Damage

The first step starts with limiting the damage already done.  To begin with, take a look at your existing hair care routine and look closely at whether you are infact really 'caring' for your hair.  Use of harsh chemicals and heat can seriously damage your hair, with hair straighteners being the biggest killer of beautiful hair.  No matter how many pre-heat treatments or protecting balsms you use before straightening, anything that goes through a vice at over 150'C on a regular basis is destined to become damaged, so why put your hair through the trauma of heat damage when there are other lower-damage methods available?  Also try to cut down on how often you colour your hair.  Heat and colour are the top two killers of luscious locks.

So, point one: It's this simple, stop using hair straighteners and curlers excessively, especially if you havr coloured hair.  Any more than once or twice a week is bound to cause damage qicker than your hair can repair itself.  Please use the videos on this site sparingly, for special occasions only

Look at your diet

A nutritious, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are a must if you want to have your hair in good condition.  Including lots of vitamin A (...) in your diet will go a long way, and drinking lots of water also helps a ton!  


Use a good conditioner

Beautiful hair adds personality to your image and using a good conditioner that is right for your hair type can make the difference between being over moisturised (i.e. greasy!) or under-nourished. If you have combination hair, chose a conditioner that includes Moroccan Argan Oil, and run it through the mid-sections and ends, staying away from the roots to avoid your hair appearing greasy.  Aloe vera is also a great conditioner: apply a small amount of Aloe Vera gel in place of your normal conditioner, wrap it in a warm towel, and wait a few minutes before rinsing well with warm water.  If you use Aloe Vera regularly, you should soon begin to notice more shine and volume.  Aloe vera gel is available in most health food shops and Boots.


Use a deep conditioning treatment regularly, to keep your hair soft and nourished, preferably once a week or once every 2 weeks.  


Use a scalp treatment, and don't over-wash

Have you ever thought about how the condition of your scalp affects your hair?  Too much dairy and a weakness for dry skin may result in dandruff, so watch what you eat and remember to clean your scalp regularly, keeping it clean and free from oil.  Washing your hair everyday can actually do more damage than good, as it strips your scalps natural oils, so your scalp then over-produces oil to compensate which may leave your hair limp and greasy.  To combat this cycle, try only washing your hair once every 3 days, or once a week.  On the inbetween days, try using s dry shampoo, or grab a head scarf or a new hat!


Protect wet hair

Don't comb your hair when it is wet, as it's more vulnerable to breakage than usual.  If you have extensions in, be sure to use a soft comb or a tangle teaser comb, to minimise breaking and tugging your extensions fromthe scalp.  To detangle after washing, run your hands through, starting at the roots, and apply a detangling treatment.  It's best to let your hair dry naturally, especially in the summer.


Be gentle with your hair

Excessive brushing, styling, heating and harsh movements can damage your hair, so be gentle.  Always comb from the ends first, then up through the midlengths (detangling any knots), then finally comb out the roots.  Rough drying your hair on a medium heat (not too hot!) with a hair dryer, then leaving your hair to dry naturally will minimise heat damage.




All of the above pointers are guidlines to help you achieve lovely, silky hair.  However, these are no replacements for good sleep, a healthy lifestyle and a stress-free, positive, optimistic attitude to all things, which includes our health.

For tips on how to style your hair into beautiful curls, and more, click on this link.


It's important to only style your hair as we suggest, occasionally.


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