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pageant ettiquette

Whether you are new to pageants or a seasoned pro, if you want to win a national title you need to be able to show the judges that you can behave like a queen, and by that I mean you need to show that you are poised, polite and educated.  This all starts with some basics, so let's go through the basics:​

1) Think before you speak:  Apply a "What would my grandmother say if she heard this" filter before you open your mouth.  Is there anything unladylike about what you are about to say?  Are your words going to offend or encouorage the other person?  Keep your chit-chat clean, positive and unoffensive.  It's best to stay quiet than to put your (sparkly!) foot in it!


2) Manners: Always say "please and thankyou".  This is not only an important part of pageant ettiquette, but is just polite to mind your manners.​


3) Eye contact: Whenever you are speaking to someone, give them your full attention and maintain eye contact.  Also, be aware of his/her personal space and move accordingly.




4) Everyone is equal:  Treat other pageant contestants with respect, the way you would like to be treated.  Saying that, you should also apply the same rule to the directors, chaperones, choreographer and photographers, and anyone else who is part of the team.  Treat the chaperone with the same respect that you would the director; be thankful and greatful for everything that everybody does for you.


5) Sit like a queen: When seated, cross your feet at your ankles, not your legs.


6) Stand like a queen: When standing, always maintain good posture, and smile, on stage, in rehearsals and in your interview.  Be pleasant to everyone you meet and project the confidence of a queen.


7) Take directions: Only sit down when asked or directed to. It’s considered impolite to sit before asked to.  Showing that you understand frmal ettiquette will get you a long way.


8) Conversations: Speak when spoken to, and always address dignitaries with their titles first. Ensure you are heard if asked a question, and punctuate your words so people are able to understand what you’re saying.  No mumbling.


9) Walk like a queen: When walking, keep your shoulders back and your head up.  Tense your core and breathe throough your steps.  Glide, don't bounce.


10) Greetings: If someone shakes your hand, make sure you have a firm handshake to return to them.  If someone offers an air kiss, kiss both sides as it is more formal.


The main thing is to be natural and be you.  Be true to yourself and if you are meant to win, you will.  You can use these tips on stage during your next pageant, and in life in general.  Practice sitting and standing well, and speaking with confidence.  All of these things will help you.


Good luck in your next pageant and beyond!


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